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PUSKILL Memória RAM DDR4(AliExpress)8GB 2666x2PÇs-R$120/8GB 3200x2PÇs-R$137/16GB 2666 x1PÇ-R$105/16GB 2666x2PÇs-R$233/16GB 3200x1PÇ-R$112/16GB 3200x2PÇs-R$247(imposto incluso)

Atualizado: 15 de nov.

PUSKILL Memória RAM DDR4(AliExpress)

8GB 2666 x 2PÇs-R$120,05

8GB 3200 x 2PÇs-R$137,65

16GB 2666 x1PÇ-R$105,32

16GB 2666 x2PÇs-R$233,43

16GB 3200 x1PÇ-R$112,37

16GB 3200 x2PÇs-R$247,46

Cupom: CODE20OFF 8GB 2666 x 2PÇs-R$134,61

8GB 3200 x 2PÇs-R$144,85

16GB 2666 x1PÇ-R$112,63

16GB 2666 x2PÇs-R$240,61

16GB 3200 x1PÇ-R$119,62

16GB 3200 x2PÇs-R$254,65

Cupom: CODEN15OFF 10% de desconto usando Moedas IMPOSTO INCLUSO

Frete Grátis PUSKILL Memória RAM DDR4(AliExpress) 1% de desconto usando Moedas IMPOSTO INCLUSO

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